
Treasure within You

I realized I needed to update this post a bit, I had been in a hurry and realized it was geared more towards just women. So here is the update enjoy:

This study really stuck out to me and I wanted to share it. I hope that it will speak to you too.

Treasure within You

II Corinthians 4:7

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.”

We all have treasure in us. We all have been given this treasure, and we can be inspired by this treasure to do what God has called us to do.

Treasure within You

Something inside of you has been locked. God wants to unlock it. He knows what gifts and abilities and dreams He has put in you. He knows how to touch them and how to bring them out.

When you get beyond your low self-esteem and stop comparing yourself to other people, and you begin to accept what God has given you, then you are in a position for Him to bring to birth all He has created you, ignored by others, perhaps even ridiculed by some, but God calls those traits His treasure. And He wants to bring it forth!

Everyone alive is a treasure chest. Each one holds something God intends for them to use in fulfilling His purpose for their life. And in the process, will bring Him glory. Find out what treasure God has hidden in you, because the devil is going to fight you for it. He knows the treasure is there and he wants it for his purposes. He wants it bad.

So many people today are fighting the devil and don’t even know why. It’s because they haven’t discovered the treasure that lies within them. The devil knows it’s there. God knows it’s there. So the fight is on.

Your treasure is powerful in God’s service, and the devil knows it. What he doesn’t know is that your treasure is also a weapon you can use to defeat him in your life. The devil will do anything he can to sabotage your self-esteem. He doesn’t want you developing your assets because he doesn’t want you to give birth to what God has put within you. Being loosed means that your treasure has been released. It means that the gift that has been bound within you has been issued an emancipation proclamation. It means that you are free to blossom and bring forth fruit! When the treasure within you is loosed, you are at liberty to deliver God’s purpose in your life.

Now giving birth may require intense effort on your part. You may have to push like a woman in labor. You may have to fill your cheeks with air and push with all your might. So get ready, and soon you’ll hold a treasure in your arms.



So I have a friend that is going through a lot right now and I found some info on comfort. I am posting this because what I found I thought was really good.

I Corinthians 1:3-7 ~

3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4) who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5) For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ. 6) Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. 7) And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also will you partake of the consolation.

The rest of this comes from a study Bible that I got recently:

God of All Comfort ~

One of the many names for the Lord is Comforter. What a perfect description! His presence can make you comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations. He can unravel the dark shroud of grief and release the beautiful heart held captive within. He can pull you out of every situation you thought you’d be stuck in forever. He has the ability to bring peace to every trauma. In fact, this God of all comfort even catches your tears and collects your pain. He is with you when it hurts and He will always be there for you.

You will live and love and experience loss before your life is over. Losing some things will help you appreciate what you still have. It is the bitter taste of poverty that makes prosperity so sweet. How can you celebrate victory if you have never faced defeat?

You will live each day not knowing what the next one will bring. You will not always be able to see what tomorrow holds, but it is a great comfort to know that your God holds all your tomorrows. Tomorrow is not in the hands of your box, your children, your spouse, or anyone else. It is not yours to manipulate or to dominate. Tomorrow is in the hands of the Lord. Whatever you do, take time to get to know Him, because you will need Him. Speak to the God of all comfort, for His comfort is sure for every tomorrow.

He will be there when husbands, friends, children, jobs, and money are all gone. He is there for all your dark places. Now take courage and understand that “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). Your night may seem long, but when it is over, there will always be morning.

No matter how dark the night, you’ve always lived to see the light. Understand that it is God’s grace that has protected you and provided for you. Times change and seasons change, but not God. He is always the same. He is the same God who brought you through your past and promises you your future. The God of all comfort has come. Be comforted now and you will arise.